Tag: Bread-Quick

A variety of Banana Muffins, some topped with nuts, others with chocolate chips and some plain, served in a uniquely shaped rustic wooden bowl.

The Most Flavorful Banana Muffins

Over the years I have grown to appreciate the deep soft sweetness gently aged bananas bring to baked goods. The deeper the aging the less sugar needs to be added to the recipe and the richer the banana flavor imparted to these delicious Banana Muffins.

Sweet Lamb Cinnamon Rolls

As the sap is rising in my backyard landscape, I can feel new strength in my healing arm. Gardening is both pleasure and exercise as I stretch my fingers in the warming earth

A slice of Cornbread for a Crowd stacked on top of a slab of cornbread sliced into serving sized pieces.

Cornbread for a Crowd

With a touch of honey and the addition of sour cream this cornbread recipe is a crowd-pleaser. Fast and easy to put together, this practical cornbread can also feed a crowd inexpensively and on short notice.

A loaf of Banana Bread, topped with a split banana, on a wooden tray. The tea towel beneath it says, "Always bee kind!"

Warm and Wonderful Banana Bread

Banana Bread, made with whole wheat flour and sweetened with honey, is a wholesome treat. Toast a slice and spread it with a little peanut butter for a delicious breakfast or afternoon snack.

Celebrating Sunshine – Strawberry Shortcake

Summer Weather Ahhh! This weekend has been gorgeous. Sunshine at last! If you aren’t from this part of the country you may read that last line and smile faintly thinking, “Sure, sunshine is nice but what’s the big deal?” You may be thinking you are tired of the heat already. […]

Sweet Potato Pancakes with Coconut Banana Topping

It’s March already, that crazy month when you never know what you will face the next time you step outside, winter or spring. Already we have had a surprise snow day this month when nothing sounded better than a warm mug of Spiced Hot Chocolate. Today, however, the morning fog […]

Borderland Corn Bread

Tomorrow the New Year will be here. I’m ready. I have a resolution in mind – to simplify. I have Lucky Black Eyed Peas ready to go on the stove in the morning. I have the bone from my Christmas ham to season it with and the few other ingredients […]

A layer of golden meringue tops a baking dish filled with Alvine's Bread Pudding.

A Gift for the Family – Alvine’s Bread Pudding

Composed of layers of creamy biscuit pudding, melted chocolate (or currant jelly) and sweet meringue, Alvine’s Bread Pudding makes delicious use of broken biscuits or day old bread. This old-fashioned recipe was printed in a charming hand-crafted cookbook assembled by the church in my hometown. The meringue layer is an appealing addition to this familiar dessert.

Uncle Hal's Homemade Biscuits served as a loaf in a pewter basket.

Uncle Hal’s Biscuits

Homemade biscuits, cut in rounds or baked as a loaf, are delightfully plain fare; a tasty, filling and well appreciated comfort food that is a joy to share with family and friends. Serve them as Uncle Hal did, with Karo Syrup, for a 1916-style dessert. Or dress them with a smear of good butter, honey and fruit jam, anytime.

Ninth Street House Zucchini Bread

It’s August and gardens across the country are no doubt filled with an abundance of zucchini and summer squash. I wish I could say the same of my garden. Though we planted early enough, during a bright and promising week in early June, I have only a few small zucchini […]

Quick and Easy Cinnamon Rolls

The Luxury of Cinnamon Rolls Who doesn’t love warm Cinnamon Rolls, hot from the oven? Cinnamon Rolls have long been a favorite breakfast treat for my family. Before we had children my husband and I used to go out for breakfast on Saturday mornings and eating a warm gooey cinnamon […]