Tag: Cake

Honey Chocolate Cake topped with marzipan bees.

Honey Bees

Another thing I discovered in California was a mild obsession with bees. As I lingered around the pool enjoying the sunshine and pleasant temperatures I couldn’t help but notice..

Chocolate Fire Ice Cream Cupcakes topped with Cocao Nibs and Sprinkled with Cinnamon on a glass plate

Chocolate Fire Ice Cream Cupcakes

To learn how to have fun with ice cream there’s no better place to start than with children. For my cupcake recipe I turned to my vintage “Betty Crocker’s Cookbook for Boys and Girls.” It no longer has a cover or pages 1 through 8…

Chocolate Decadence

February simply cries out for chocolate! When the Christmas holidays have become but a pleasant memory and our bodies have forgotten the overindulgence of holiday feasting, when our moods are challenged by a long succession of wet gray January days and the sweet occasion of Valentine’s Day peeps at us […]