
Pan-Roasted Parmesan Sprouts in a serving bowl with spoon, viewed from above.

Pan-Roasted Parmesan Sprouts

Parmesan cheese blends with the pan-roasted goodness of browned Brussels sprouts transforming this simple side dish into something unexpectedly delicious. Made with only five ingredients, these Brussels sprouts are a welcome addition to the table on most any occasion. The Very Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe, Ever! It is common knowledge […]

Roasted Asparagus, garnished with a few shreds of parmesan, served on a wooden tray.

Simply Asparagus

There is nothing quite like Roasted Asparagus to add appealing flavor and texture to a simple menu. A splash of oil, a little salt and pepper and a hot oven is all that’s needed to make it table-ready. It can scarcely get any easier than this.

Chunky Stovetop Apples are basically Apple Pie without the crust. Here it is served in a deep blue bowl.

Chunky Stovetop Apples

Basically a crustless apple pie, served over pancakes or as a side dish with dinner, Chunky Stovetop Apples add a welcome taste of the season to most any meal.

Late Summer Vegetable Medley

In many parts of the country late summer means abundant backyard gardens overflowing with fresh zucchini, summer squash and tomatoes. If you don’t have a backyard full of your own then generous neighbors are often eager to share their bounty. Failing that the stalls at farmer’s markets and produce stands […]

Baby Bok Choy with Peanuts

Whenever I have reason to be on the other side of Portland I can’t resist stopping by Uwajimaya to look over their huge selection of Asian grocery and houseware items. I often don’t buy all that much: some interesting tofu, pretty packages of udon noodles, canned green tea and/or a […]

Wild Rice Salad with Ginger Dressing

Today the weatherman came through and then some! The sun is shining and the sky is that beautiful shade of clear blue that lends precision to every detail of our gorgeous landscape in the Pacific Northwest. From my vantage point on the back deck there isn’t a cloud in sight. […]

Borderland Corn Bread

Tomorrow the New Year will be here. I’m ready. I have a resolution in mind – to simplify. I have Lucky Black Eyed Peas ready to go on the stove in the morning. I have the bone from my Christmas ham to season it with and the few other ingredients […]

Sweet Potato Thyme

This delicious recipe for Thyme Roasted Sweet Potatoes is both sweet and satisfying without added sugar. The herbs and spices alone keep things interesting creating a side dish that is simple to prepare and quite interesting to the palate.