If you had to eat your words, how would they taste? Would they be as sweet as raisins? Or would they taste hard and bitter like dry beans? This fast seeks to transform faults of the tongue into fruitful words that will encourage and nourish those around us.

A Different Kind of Recipe
Have you ever had to “eat your words”?
That little cliché has seldom given me much pause for thought. Maybe it should. It is, after all, about eating and about words. What could speak more plainly to a food blogger?
What if I did have to eat my words? How would they taste? Would my words be sweet and nourishing like bits of dried fruit? Or would they be hard and bitter like dried beans?
I first considered these questions when I picked up a worksheet from the narthex at church. It features what appears to be a simple recipe for the season of Lent. It includes a short list of basic ingredients, which are likely accessible to us all, and a few instructions. The recipe begins like this…
Fasting From Faults of the Tongue
You’ll need:
- 1 lb. dried beans
- 1 lb. raisins (or other dried fruit)
- 2 medium size bowls
- a large measure of Honesty
The dried beans are there to represent our indiscretions. These are the faults that slip past our tongue on a daily basis.
The raisins represent the fruits of the Spirit, the kindness and encouragement we offer and share.
The instructions that follow are simple. Each time you speak, think about the words you say.
Consider Your Words
While the instructions are simple, the execution can be difficult. This recipe asks us to commit to being mindful of every word we speak for a season. That season might be Lent, another season of the year, or even a single month. Over the course of that time, we are asked to consider every word that passes our lips. Are our words sweet and nourishing? Or are they hard and hurtful?
Are your words spoken in anger? Do they refer to someone in negative terms? Take note. Whenever a lie passes your lips, or an unkind word, be conscious of your choice. If you share a little gossip, criticize or complain, mark your words. Then drop a dry bean into one of the bowls to represent each transgression.
On the other hand, whenever you speak in gentleness or offer words of kindness, remember. When your words offer support, whenever you express love, joy, patience, peace or find yourself practicing self-control, be mindful. Then, put a raisin in the second bowl, one for each of those sweet occasions.
As you may have already realized, this recipe requires a lot of personal awareness and a very large measure of that final ingredient: honesty. Self evaluation can be a tricky business. But then, if we aren’t honest, who are we fooling? Only ourselves.
Dried Beans and Raisins
Why are our faults like dried beans? They need some attention and application of process before they can edify us and add nourishment to our diet. As they are, dry and hard, they have little value. Like small stones they are more likely to callous and irritate, wounding us without adding nutrition. They are incapable of providing complete protein and, if consumed, largely pass through our system without benefit.
Yet our words do have potential. If we attend to them, once soaked, softened, seasoned and combined with other nutrients, these hard nuggets can become both nutritious and palatable.
Raisins, on the other hand, are nuggets of fruit. Plump and sweet, raisins are produce of the vine. Preserved and tucked away, they sustain us in seasons of darkness or drought. They sweeten the staff of life and make the ordinary special. Raisins have long been treasured as a treat added to holiday sweets. Their value is in their bright flavor, in the light and warmth of their unexpected inclusion.
Eating Our Words
When our fast is done, it is time to eat the bowl of beans we have collected. Soaking them in water the beans soften as the hard outer husk cracks and often pulls away. Apply heat and the beans become even softer until they are actually palatable and can provide nourishment. Then the softened beans are able to absorb a little salt and other seasoning making them into a tasty meal.
With our beans cooked, it is time to turn our attention to the bowl of fruit. Using the raisins we have collected we can bake a delicious loaf of sweet bread, a cake or some other sweet treat. This is a great treat to share with family or friends in celebration of the good gift of words and the power they have to build, encourage and transform.
The idea of fasting from faults of the tongue was introduced at our church as a practice for Lent. Whether or not you are drawn to observe Lent this is a practice you might want to consider during any season. It is believed that habit formation can be accomplished with regular practice in about two months. Why not reflect on this practice over the course of any season to see if you can transform your faults of the tongue into fruitful words that will encourage and nourish those around you.
Eating Our Words – Dry Beans and Raisins
With regular practice, habits can be formed or changed, in the course of a season. This Lenten practice seeks to transform faults of the tongue into fruitful words that will encourage and nourish those around us.
1 lb. dried beans
1 lb. raisins (or other dried fruit)
2 medium size bowls
a large measure of Honesty
- Each time you speak in anger, refer to someone negatively, complain, gossip or lie, put a dry bean into one bowl.
- Each time you speak or encourage with kindness, gentleness, self-control, love, joy, patience, or peace, place a raisin in the second bowl.
- When your fast is over, cover the beans with water and let them soak overnight. Drain the beans, then season and cook in your favorite recipe (for recipe ideas, see the notes below.) Use the raisins to sweeten a celebratory bread, cake or other sweet treat to share with friends or family.
- Recipe Source: A handout I picked up in the narthex at my church.
- These Bible verses offer encouragement and support while Fasting From Faults of the Tongue: James 1:19-26; James 3:1-2; Mark 7:14-23; Matthew 12:33-37; Colossians 3:12-17; Psalms 39:1-4 and Psalms 51:9-19; John 15:1-11; Matthew 5:13.
- How you cook the dried beans collected during your fast may depends on the type of bean you used. I will use mine to make my favorite Red Beans and Rice. You might enjoy Simple White Beans, Aunt Betty’s Navy Bean Soup, or even a pot of Lucky Black Eyed Peas.
- I will use my raisin to make Italian Easter Dove Bread. They would also make a nice addition to Bread Pudding, Old-Fashiioned Gingerbread, Aunt Hen’s Pork and Beans Bread, or Yamini’s Wild Persimmon Cake.
What a poignant piece. A reminder of how we can strive to be better.
What a lovely idea. Anything that makes us more aware of what we say and the impact it has on others is useful, I think. And the conrete representation of the beans and raisins may make us just that much more aware!
Nice to read an article about food, with spiritual meaning and depth. Thanks for the insights.
very interesting. metaphors and allegories and the like often sail right over my head, but i can absolutely follow this analogy. thanks for bringing this concept to my attention in such a wonderfully-written way, lisa!
What a wonderful challenge! I imagine that no matter how accomplished one felt at the end of the month, the requirement for 'honesty' would make the exercise equally challenging every time it was tried. Thank you for sharing this. It has "bean" a great read!
In today's uncertain world, too often we probably speak more beans than raisins. But that is not an excuse for forgetting that kindness is just as easy to speak; if we stop and think of others and not just about ourselves.
Your project would be a great way to see what other people see and helps us to collect more raisins in our lives.
Thanks for this "wake-up call"…
Great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.