Have you ever used a rotary egg-beater? For making a Whipped Cream Topping, mixing simple batters or beating egg whites this nostalgic gadget is a pleasure to have on hand.

Mixing By Hand
I don’t see rotary egg beaters much these days but I remember them fondly. Aunt Hen had one when I was a girl. I loved helping my aunt in the kitchen and operating this hand-powered mixer was something I could safely manage on my own. It made some labor intensive kitchen tasks both simple and fun.
A mixer of some kind was needed for many of the good things that came from Aunt Hen’s kitchen. When we needed serious whipping, for smooth cake batters, frosting and such, she pulled out an ancient hand-held electric mixer. It was both powerful and heavy. When I was small Aunt Hen was reluctant to let me hold that mixer on my own. I was only allowed to watch until the mixing was done and it was time to lick the frosting from the ejected beaters.
When less ambitious whipping was called for, or sometimes by my special request, Aunt Hen pulled her rotary egg beater from the drawer instead. On those occasions we powered the whipping by hand. As we whipped we took turns cranking the nifty gear with the little red handle on the side. Whipped cream could be tackled this way. So could egg whites and some batters.
Old-Fashioned Notions
In my own kitchen I have long used an only somewhat less ancient 1970’s harvest gold Hamilton Beach handheld electric mixer. Aunt Hen gave it to me as a wedding gift. It is less sturdy than the older model she had in her kitchen. Still, it has held up under the use of many helping hands and an entire bowl of overturned cake batter, dried pieces of which still occasionally fall from the interior when the beaters are inserted.
In that era no one thought to give a rotary egg beater as a gift. By the time I moved into my own kitchen I think they must have been considered completely outdated. For a long time I never saw or heard of one. Instead I had a whisk for light beating and my electric mixer for everything else.
It worked but I couldn’t help feeling there was a gap there somewhere. When I wanted to make a small amount of whipped cream to garnish a dessert for two I would find the task challenging and time-consuming armed with only a whisk. At the same time, the noise and bother of pulling out my old electric hand mixer seemed a little overdone.
Everything Old is New Again
It’s just that niche that a rotary egg beater finally slipped into in my kitchen. Recently, I’ve seen rotary egg beaters for sale again, both contemporary and vintage-style models. Enticed by my memories, I ordered one a few months ago. I chose a new vintage-style model. While it may not be quite as rugged as the old one I remember, I find that it comes in handy for a number of small kitchen jobs. It nicely fills that gap between whisk and electric mixer.
I like my new rotary egg beater. The handle and gear add a pop of bright cheery red to small tasks in the kitchen. Once the task is completed it cleans up with a quick wash. Most of all, though, I like the way this nostalgic tool reminds me of those times spent learning the ins and outs of Aunt Hen’s kitchen. For mixing simple batters, whipping cream or beating egg whites this old-timey gadget is a joy to have on hand.
Old-Timey Whipped Cream Topping
Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy4
minutesIs a Whipped Cream topping even better when made with an old-timey rotary beater? Try it and find out!
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
2 Tablespoons sugar (I like using brown sugar best)
a splash of vanilla, balsamic vinegar, bourbon or liqueur
- Combine ingredients in a bowl that is small but deep. Whip until soft peaks form. Continue whipping to desired consistency.
- Spoon on top of your favorite dessert.
- Enjoy!
A hand mixer was the only thing we had at home while i was growing up..my mom had a read one. we used it for cake mixes, eggs, mashed potatoes…simply everything that needed to be whipped in any way.
I'm glad someone else appreciates hand mixers! Last year I was on a mad quest for one to help me mix a smooth batter at my farmer's market booth. There was no electricity available on site. Eventually, I found what I was looking for in my grandpa's cupboards.
My mom's kitchen still has one but honestly it doesn't work so well. My favorite at home for "in between" jobs is the whipping attachment to the immersion blender-call me shocked that it works so well.