The U.S. Army’s 115th Station Hospital was far from home a few months after WWII ended in 1945. Still they celebrated with a Christmas Dinner that December. The menu suggests a traditional festive dinner served to celebrate “the birthday of our Lord, dedicated to peace on earth and good will toward men.”

My father-in-law celebrated his 90th birthday in October. The preparation for his party involved looking through a lot of his old memorabilia. That part was a special treat. I find historic detail fascinating and enjoyed getting to know my father-in-law better. At 90 his memory is still sharp. Our digging prompted compelling descriptions of his depression-era youth and years of service in the army during WWII.

Bits and Pieces
I learned a lot about my father-in-law’s family and the challenges he faced growing up. I especially enjoyed seeing what he had saved as souvenirs. Those bits of ephemera both prompted and illustrated his recollections. He shared some intriguing photos, a few postcards from Europe and even a few menus he had tucked away in a folder. Not only did we discover a Thanksgiving menu from 1938 but, owing to my interest in history and food, he also pulled out several holiday menus he had hung onto from his Army days.
One of those menus is from the 115th Station Hospital in Augsburg, Germany. My father-in-law was stationed there for several months at the end of WWII before being honorably discharged in the spring of 1946.
A Christmas Dinner from 1945
As with the menu from 1938, I am struck by how little has changed. Our current expectations at the holiday table appear to be quite similar to those from more than a half-century ago, at the beginning of the atomic age. This celebration menu, for a meal served just months after the end of WWII, includes a roast turkey and dressing, potatoes and gravy served along with cranberries and hot buttered rolls. Fruit and nuts and sliced cheese accompany the main dishes. Plum Pudding completes the meal as dessert.
Again I find the attention to detail especially interesting. Pineapple juice, coffee and candy are all included on the printed menu. Even cigarettes, that mid-century staple, add to the general sense of abundance and generosity.
This day, we celebrate the birthday of our Lord, dedicated to peace on earth and good will toward men.
I am also touched by the dedication. There is a sense of joy and humble optimism expressed by the commanding officer. Still far from home, those present at this Christmas Banquet were encouraged that their hopes and dreams were realized in victory and that freedom and democracy prevailed. Peace was realized through great sacrifice. They are unashamed to claim that peace as an answer to prayer.
May we also be mindful of God’s power and presence in our lives as we follow in their legacy, celebrating the birthday of our Lord and proclaiming peace on earth and good will toward men.
Merry Christmas!
I’ve only just discovered Your website and am enjoying it immensely. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, historical treasure from your family. My father also served in WWII. He is now passed on 3 yrs ago this Christmas. He would have very much enjoyed seeing this.
Hi, Joanne! Thanks for your comment. History is an area of special interest to me, and I am thrilled to hear from those who share that interest.
We are blessed to have my father-in-law still with us. He will be 98 this year and continues to share about his phenomenal story over the past century. He is a treasure!