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A Thanksgiving menu, and decorative cover, from 1938.

Our Thanksgiving Menu – A Look Back to 1938

Looking at my father-in-law’s keepsake Thanksgiving Menu it seems little has changed in the past 75 years. Like today, 1938 found people feeling uneasy about the economy. They were also disturbed about world events, climate fluctuations and even the effects of the media on the minds of the masses. And yet, what was not uncertain in 1938 was the expectation of celebrating with a joyful Thanksgiving dinner.

A bowl of Navy Bean Soup served in Mom's Courier and Ives Ironstone bowl.

Navy Bean Soup

One of Aunt Betty’s signature dishes was Navy Bean Soup. This hearty soup is simple to make and quite practical. Inexpensive but tasty, it can be made ahead and left to simmer as guest arrive or family gathers. That gave my aunt ample opportunity to make everyone feel welcome as she exercised her gift of hospitality.

Sides, Vegetables

Cauliflower Medley with Buttered Crumbs

Testing Tradition With traditional meals and family favorites on my mind it can be a real challenge to think of new ways to add variety to the menus of the season. Recently, updating my Thanksgiving Menu Planner, I felt like I was in the company of old friends. Would they […]

Cookies and Candy

Bacon Orange Pralines

The Scent of Autumn Autumn is in the air and nothing responds to that fresh air under crystal skies like the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen. Come to think of it, frying bacon has seemed like a worthy response to change in many seasons of my life. Standing […]